worldwide virtual theater carrousel


First love worldwide

First love Sering
An open project based on World Carrousel project First Love. Filmed testimonials in service centers from all over the world led to the show First Love in 2010.

We are still collecting testimonials of seniors (past their 70s) about their first infatuation. The first kiss. The songs they danced on.

”I was sixteen and was living in Leipzig. He was doing compulsory labour. We were in love. At the end of the war he had to return home. For a whole year I heard nothing from him. When the mail finally worked again, I wrote him and asked whether he had forgotten me. I got a flaming love letter back. He would come to get me. He kept his word and smuggled me to Belgium.”

Do you have a (grand)mother or (grand)father who would like to share her/his memories of their first love with us? Click here!


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